Calorie facts you need to know. Their function and role towards your body goals

You consume calories every day and it’s common knowledge that they are essential for a healthy lifestyle. But do you know what they really are and why do we need them?
Në këtë artikull do t’ju tregojmë funksionin e tyre në jetën tonë.

  • Calories = Energy

What are calories?

Each food you consume contains a certain amount of calories, meaning they hold a certain amount of energy that our body uses whenever it’s necessary.

Për çfarë shërbejnë?

  • Most of the calories, about 70%, are used by our body, to perform the basic organ and metabolism functions.
  • About 20% of them are used for physical activity such as walking, running, weight lifting and more.
  • The remaining 10% is necessary for digestion.

*Generally, the recommended amount of calories is circa 2000 to 2500 kcal per day.

  • Healthy Calories

What you should keep in mind is that the quality of calories should be more important than quantity, so you should choose foods that contain the so-called ‘good’ calories.

They are divided into three main categories and are found in different kinds of foods as listed below.

  • Red meat, pork, baked or boiled chicken, salmon, beans, milk, egg, cheese, yogurt, etc. -mishi i kuq, mishi i derrit, pula e pjekur ose e zier, salmoni, fasulet, qumështi, vezët, djathi, kosi etj.
  • Karbohidrate- Potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals, wholemeal bread, etc.
  • Fats-Nuts, olives, avocado, banana, apple, etc.
  • Exercise, calorie intake, and diet

Whatever your goal is, such as losing, gaining or maintaining your weight, you should consistently integrate a healthy diet with good physical activity.  

The principle is very simple. For a weight loss diet you need to spend more calories per day than the amount you take. 

It’s important to NOT decrease the calorie intake below 1200 kcal/ day, as there’s a risk you won’t get the necessary nutrients. Mos e ulni dozën e kalorive më pak se 1200 kcal në ditë, pasi rrezikoni të mos merrni lëndët e nevojshme ushqyese.

that our Puma Fit Club coaches also recommend are: Puma Fit Club coaches also recommend are:

  • Long walks, 
  • Running or Jogging, 
  • HIIT (high intensity) exercises, 
  • Cardio exercises, 
  • Spinning class etc.

In terms of what you can add to your diet in order to lose some pounds here are some weight loss smoothies, with natural antioxidants, that you can consume:

  • Green smoothie with spinach, green apple, celery, lemon and ginger..
  • Green smoothie with raspberries, spinach and coconut milk  
  • Green smoothie with yogurt, spinach, banana and avocado etc.

What if my goal is to healthily gain weight? You may ask.

If what you want is to gain weight and increase muscle mass, you should eat foods that contain protein and calories. Much more than the calories you burn.

For a greater effect, proteins should be consumed 30-60 minutes after returning from the gym, as the body is in its ideal state, ready to form those muscles.

Counting calories is effective and is of great help to achieve your body goals, but it shouldn't be your main target. 

Therefore, listen to your body, see how it reacts to food, and eat whatever feels good to you.


The ideal gym is of course the one in which you feel good, however there are some main criteria on which we all agree.