Starting a new chapter in fitness transformation is, of course, exciting, but also filled with questions and feelings of hesitation, like any new beginning. What you can do to overcome the first emotions and the most advisable way to follow is to ask for instructions from the instructors. 

So the first suggestion we would like to give you before we start with the advice from Puma Fit Club instructors is: "Never hesitate to ask for help, suggestions or advice from professionals." They are here to guide, motivate and help you achieve your goals. Let's start now with the tips they have for you: 

Set goals right from the start! 

Without clear goals, you are wasting your time. Take a moment for yourself and define what you want to achieve. Specific and measurable objectives are the basis of a training that will bring you achievable results.

Diversify your routine!

Falling into the monotony of the same exercises, repeated day after day, affects your rhythm and desire to exercise. Also, your body adapts and exercises no longer have an effect.

We recommend incorporating a variety of cardiovascular, strength and flexibility exercises that target different muscles and also make your routine more enjoyable. And if you want the hour to pass quickly and make good friends, join different classes such as crossfit, bootcamp, abs, yoga, etc. 

Form over quantity.

The impatience you feel to see immediate results and the desire to lift heavy weights, pushing the limits, is more than natural. However, the quality of the exercise should be primary and more important than the quantity. Learning the proper form of an exercise prevents injury and maximizes the effectiveness of the workout as a whole. Once the exercise technique is properly practiced and learned, the rest comes naturally.

Learn to stop when necessary!

Of course, consistency is important if we want more muscle, power and a toned body. However, the importance of the rest period is often underestimated. Overtraining can also create injuries. The body must be allowed enough time to regenerate between training sessions. Make sure you get enough sleep and take rest days when needed. And we're not just talking about physical rest, but we recommend that you eat well, hydrate and take care of yourself. 

Supply the organism to cope with fatigue!

The food you eat directly affects your performance and results. Ju rekomandojnë të adoptoni një qasje të ekuilibruar dhe të qëndrueshme ndaj ushqimit. Konsumoni ushqime me karbohidrate, proteina, yndyra të shëndetshme, vitamina dhe minerale. Konsultohuni me një nutricionist për të përshtatur dietën tuaj sipas qëllimit që ju keni. Një trup i ushqyer mirë funksionon më mirë dhe rikuperohet më shpejt.

Festoni arritjet!

Së fundi, mos harroni të festoni arritjet tuaja. Motivimi më i madh është kur shikoni me sytë tuaja progresin e arritur pas gjithë asaj pune të lodhshme. They recommend you adopt a balanced and sustainable approach to food. Eat foods with carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Consult a nutritionist to adjust your diet according to the goal you have. A well-nourished body functions better and recovers faster.

Celebrate achievements!

Finally, don't forget to celebrate your achievements. The biggest motivation is when you see with your own eyes the progress achieved after all that tedious work.