PUMA SOLARIUM The perfect tan in just a few minutes!

Puma Solar in the process

Do you want to get a glowing skin color in a very short time? With the Solarium service of Puma Fit Club is now possible. Solar të Puma Fit Club tani është e mundur.

Say goodbye to pale winter skin!

With the advanced technology of our solarium, we guarantee you an even and natural tan, resulting in radiant skin!

The modern and practical design of the solarium ensures your stay in a comfortable position, while the soothing warmth will create the same feeling as in a spa. You will feel relaxed all the time and enjoy your session to the fullest.

The duration dhe intensiteti i seancës së nxirjes është i ndryshueshëm sipas çdo preference tuajën, qoftë ajo një nxirje delikate apo më intensive.

Siguria juaj është prioriteti ynë kryesor prandaj solari ka veçori të avancuara sigurie si sensorë të integruar që monitorojnë gjendjen e lëkurës tuaj dhe parandalojnë ekspozimin e tepërt.

Solarium Advantages 

Increases the effectiveness of the body for the production of vitamin D..

It keeps the ratio of fats in the body balanced.

It helps in drying body acne.

Minimizes the appearance of stretch marks. 

Improves your overall mood. 

How to prepare before the session 

Shower four hours before tanning.

Exfoliate your body to remove the skin’s dead cells..

Do not perform any type of aesthetic treatment. 

Do not use perfumes or deodorants.

Solarium should be completely avoided if:

You have allergies or various skin problems.

You are sensitive to sunlight.

You have many moles or other marks on your body. 

Don't wait any longer! Book your appointment now and get an amazing skin tan. lëkurës.

Puma Solar!

You are welcome!