Your workout routine during the holy month of Ramadan.

We begin this article by wishing all the Muslim members of Puma Fit Club an easy month of Ramadan.


One of the questions that is usually asked when we approach the date of starting the fast is: "Can I continue to train during this period? What should my routine and training schedules be like? 


Yes. You can work out or go to the gym during the month of Ramadan, normally with some minor changes to avoid fatigue and dehydration. It is important to know that this is not the time to push yourself beyond the limits. 

It is known that one of the main challenges is maintaining a regular exercise routine due to changing sleep schedules. Therefore, feel free to become flexible and prioritize rest before training in the gym.

Think of this month as an ideal period to keep your body in shape by doing exercises that are a little easier to keep your body moving.


What specifically would you change about your exercise routine?


During the first week of fasting, reduce the intensity and frequency of your workouts to give your body time to adapt to the new routine.


  • Find a schedule that works for you. Some people find it more reasonable to exercise in the afternoon just before Iftar or Suhoor, so that hydration and nutrition are immediate. Others prefer to exercise after these meals so they have enough energy to get through the workout.

  • Reduce the intensity of training sessions by focusing on lifting reduced weights, walking or light stretching. Give up HIIT, Cardio or heavy weights. You will have time again next month to do them.

  • Regarding hydration and nutrition, drink water regularly between Iftar and Suhoor and consume foods that have a high water, fiber and protein content such as: rice, oats, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, eggs, fish, beans, yogurt, etc.


This is a month of reflection, spiritual growth and self-discipline. It's the right time to prioritize rest and hydration, without giving up your exercise routine.