Before starting your journey to a healthier and more active lifestyle through fitness, it is important to be clear on what you need to do to have effective results. Let's examine together some dilemmas, questions, and uncertainties on the following topics.

Cardio or weight training?

One of the most common dilemmas that most of you always have when you first start the gym at Puma Fit Club has to do with choosing between cardio and weight training. And our answer is: both. The ideal would be a mix of both elements. Cardio to burn unnecessary calories and heart health while using weights to sculpt a resilient, healthy body.

Stretching before or after training?

This is a question that still today has conflicting answers that do not match each other. This happens because there are two types of stretching, static and dynamic.

Static stretching is recommended after exercise and involves stretching a muscle to its farthest point and holding that position. 

This increases flexibility, improves movement and relaxes the body. Dynamic stretching on the other hand is done before starting the workout. It includes active movements that warm up the joints and muscles in order to prevent injuries. In this way, your body will be ready for more intense physical activity. 

Is excess protein harmful to the human body?

In the world of fitness, protein is essential for building and repairing muscle, but some people find it difficult to determine the right amount. The reason is that they fear protein overload, associating it with kidney problems, while others consume large amounts to have more power. The key is moderation. Always consult a nutritionist or fitness professional to determine your protein needs. They will advise you on the right amount based on factors such as your age and the level of physical activity you do.

Lose weight and gain muscle at the same time? Is it possible?

Each of you starts training for one or several specific goals. If you want to shed unwanted weight and build muscle at the same time, although it may seem contradictory, it is possible. A balanced diet coupled with a combination of cardiovascular exercise and weight training is key to achieving these goals at the same time.

HIIT or Cardio, which has more effect?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained popularity for its effectiveness in a short amount of time, with the main benefit being calorie burning. However, debate arises regarding its superior effect on cardio. Again, personal preferences, goals and body condition come into play. Exercise (HIIT) increases endurance while cardio is beneficial both for burning calories and improving cardiovascular health.

We hope we have clarified some questions or dilemmas you may have about fitness. What we learn most is that individual preferences, specific goals and health conditions play a major role. Konsultohuni me profesionistë dhe nutricionistët e specializuar për të krijuar një plan stërvitje të përshtatshëm për ju.